If you’re actually reading this on my website, you may have noticed that my branding is looking a liiiiiittle bit different this week than last. Despite just having rebranded in the middle of last year, my branding didn’t feel like it was really aligned with this new client avatar that’s come to me over the last two weeks. My brand is very much my identity, and what I had felt a little *too* playful. I needed colors and a logo that were a little more grounded, so I made a few changes, including a new logo that takes inspiration from the very first professional branding I ever had done.
My brand has been updated at least once each year since I started my business. And while I don’t recommend this approach for everyone — because it’s both a lot of work and can cost a lot of money if you’re working with a pro each time — it works well for me to strategically pivot my branding as I get more and more clear on the people I want to work with.
And like I mentioned, my brand is my identity, so it will always be evolving as I do.
It took me a *long* time to be able to say “fuck it” when it comes to trying new things. I mentioned back in October of 2022 how I grew up being groomed for success and a lot of times that left me scared to try things that I wasn’t inherently good at, for fear of being embarrassed by the outcome.
I let my perfectionism get the best of me, and I missed out on a lot of opportunities because of it.
But when it came to starting a business, I knew I couldn’t hold back if I was going to make it work.
While I don’t follow every wild hair I get (because there is still only so much time in the day) I am quick to make a change, start a project, or let something go, if I think it’s going to make me more successful in my business. And even if I fail, I learn so much along the way.
In my latest Youtube video I’m chatting about my perspective on trying new things, and how each new thing you try gives you more data you can use to inform business decisions.
This line of thinking is honestly what’s helped me build a successful business, so if you’re not sure how to set your perfectionism aside, this video is for you👇